
How To Make 5k With A Blog

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more information.

Do you currently have a Pinterest account and spend quite a few hours on the site daily, weekly or monthly? If so, did you know you can actually make money right from your Pinterest account?

Pinterest has seriously been a game-changer for my blog + biz and one of the main platforms I use to generate monthly income. With over 100 million monthly viewers it's definitely a site that most bloggers can use to help grow their income and traffic quickly.

So, If you spend any time throughout your week scheduling pins or creating your pin designs then you totally can use the site to make extra money and grow your blog this month!  Many people think that Pinterest is only good for DIY projects or finding recipes but that isn't fully true. After researching I found out that many bloggers use these platforms to generate full-time income monthly.

There are a ton of way bloggers and online entrepreneurs can make money from Pinterest so it really depends on what area of focus you want to focus on to generate income. In this post, I will share 3 ways on how you can make extra money or full-time income right from Pinterest from your blog + biz.


  • 6 Tips To Grow Your Pinterest Following in 30 Days
  • How I Make Passive Income From Pinterest Every Month
  • 10 Pinterest Tips To Rapidly Boost Your Traffic

3 Clever Ways To Make Money From Pinterest With Your Blog

1. Affiliate Marketing

One of the best ways to make money on Pinterest is through affiliate marketing . Affiliate marketing is pretty awesome because you can get rewarded for promoting products and services that you already love right from your blog posts. How cool is that? With affiliate marketing, you can receive a commission for every sale that occurs from your referral link within' a post.

For example, if you are an affiliate for a product on Amazon and post that direct link within' you post and someone clicks on it and purchase it through your link then you will be rewarded and earn a commission. Commission rates vary with each company but with my affiliate programs, I make at least $500 plus a month currently.

You can become an affiliate for products such as internet apps, other bloggers Ebook and courses (after you have purchased them), blog-related products such as web themes, web hosting, cell phone companies, furniture companies, finances apps, clothes, technology and more. The opportunities are absolutely endless in the world of affiliate marketing.

I believe that if you are truly passionate about a product or have had great success with a product you can totally promote it to your readers and make additional income from it. The biggest thing for me with affiliate marketing is making sure that the product actually can help my readers solve a problem. By offering products that you trust it will also build trust with your readers about what you offer.

Oh, and make sure to disclose when you promote affiliate links on your posts.   It serves as a friendly reminder to your readers that affiliate links are included in the post. If you are looking for a plugin to help with that check out: FMTC Affiliate Disclosure.

So, you might ask, How can a blogger actually make a sale from affiliate marketing on Pinterest? Here are some steps to get your blog + Pinterest account ready to help you make your first affiliate marketing sale.

  • Treat Pinterest like a business:

So, this one is HUGE. One of the first things you want to do is convert your personal account to a Pinterest business account. On Pinterest, business accounts are better for marketing because they come with extra features such as Rich Pins and Pinterest Analytics .  You also have to have a business account if you want to promote different posts and use ads.  Converting your personal account to business is also super easy and FREE. Along with converting to a business account, it's also a plus if you put who you can help and how you can help them in your bio. In the example below I have who I help and how I help them in my bio and also I put up a professional photo image for my main profile photo. If you want to learn more about how to set up your profile to be affiliate marketing ready on Pinterest check out this post: How I Make Money Using Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest.

  • Sign up for Affiliate Marketing Program(s)

The next time to do is to sign up for different affiliate marketing programs. Think about the different products that would fit in with your niche and how they would help your audience. For example, if you are a personal finance blogger than you might find interest in promoting products that focus on saving money or getting out of debt such as finance apps and programs . Some of my favorite affiliate marketing programs where you can find a ton of products to promote are ShareASale, Amazon Associate, IGain, andOfferJuice,

  • Write a Review or "How To" Post

I currently have a " How To" post that has been shared over 34 thousand times via social media. That post alone normally gets over 1000 page views to my site daily. I also make close to $1000  in affiliate marketing income from that post each month.

In the post, I teach my readers how to make extra money quickly and I also promote my favorite survey sites that I love and think my readers would love to make extra money.  So, think about what type of "how-to" posts you can write that will help your readers solve a problem and link your affiliate link in those posts.

You can also write up a review post for a course or Ebook that you have purchased that have an affiliate program. I have seen a ton of bloggers do a review on Abby's from Just A Girl and Her Blog book " Building a Framework ". Here is an example of a review post: Building a Framework: My Honest Review .

Once you get accepted into the author's affiliate program you can then write up a blog post about why you love the product and why your readers would love the product too. In the post, you can include your affiliate link from the creator's program and every time someone clicks the link and purchases the product through your link you will be rewarded and paid.

After that make a pinnable image for the post and pin it on Pinterest daily on your group boards on Pinterest. Pinning multiple times throughout the week will help drive traffic to the post.  🙂

  • Create A Resource Page

Another way you can drive traffic to your affiliate links is by creating a resource/ recommendation page on your blog. On the recommendation page, you can list ALL your favorite products and tell readers why the products are amazing. If you aren't sure how to develop a recommendation page you can check out how I set my recommendations page up by clicking here! On my recommendation page, I list a ton of my favorite products that have grown my blog + biz rapidly. Also, once you get done creating the recommendation page make a pinnable image for it and pin it to Pinterest. After that, pin it multiple times throughout the week on Pinterest on your boards and in the group boards are you apart of on Pinterest.

2. Become a Pinterest VA

Becoming a Pinterest VA is one of the fastest-growing jobs online. If you are knowledgeable about Pinterest or looking to become knowledgeable about Pinterest becoming a Pinterest VA might be great for you. Most of Pinterest VA's normally do the following:

  • C heck their emails A LOT or spend quite a few hours online.
  • Know how to manage time well to get assignments done in a timely manner.
  • A go-getter and love to finish projects.
  • A person that is willing to invest in the time and open to learning new skills.
  • Like to help people with problems and help them solve them.
  • knowledgeable about computer technology.

So, if you have any of those qualities then becoming a Pinterest VA might be amazing for you! So if you want to make extra money by becoming a Pinterest VA below are some tips on how to get your blog + services ready.

  • Add A Menu of Your Service(s): When you first become a Pinterest VA you can add what you offer on your menu on your blog. Some of the areas you can focus on are:
    • Tailwind and BoardBooster account set up
    • Manually pinning services
    • Custom Pin Design
    • Updating Pin and board descriptions for SEO
    • Business account set up
    • Organize boards and pins
    • Set up a Pinterest profile (bio, boards, pins, etc).

After your menu is made you can set your rates and prices. The average Pinterest VA prices I have seen vary but I have seen VA's earn around $15 to $35 an hour depending on service.   As with any self-employment, gig make sure to take out taxes from each paycheck. To learn more about how much to take out and how to pay taxes on your earning payments, check out my post: How To Prevent A Big Tax Bill While Being Self-Employed.

  • How To Find New Clients: One of the best ways to find new clients is right in Facebook groups. I absolutely love Facebook groups for connecting with other bloggers and business owners.  B elow shows a mini tutorial I put together that shows you how to find new clients in Facebook groups.

If you aren't sure how to find Facebook Groups you can check out this post where I share my top favorite 10 Facebook Groups  that have helped boost my blog traffic and engagement. Also, I currently have a Facebook group for Creative Bloggers and online entrepreneurs that is very active called, " Creative Ninjas "! Click here to gain access to the Creative Ninjas Facebook Group ! My Facebook group is for all bloggers and online entrepreneurs who are looking to turn their blog into a business and make extra money or full-time income.

3. Sell Your Product(s) On Pinterest

Woohoo! Raise your hand if you have a product?? If you currently don't have a product but want to monetize your blog really think about creating a new product for your audience. Creating your own product is probably one of the best ways to monetize your blog + biz. Two products that you can sell from your blog and promote on Pinterest are:

  • Courses:

    Courses are definitely on the rise right now and I think it's super amazing! I currently working on a new mini-course called " Pinterest Superhero " and I will definitely promote it on Pinterest. Pinterest Superhero is a course that goes into great detail on how I rapidly grew my traffic from 100 pageviews a month to over 65,000 pageviews a month in less than 3 months using Pinterest. It also shares my exact Pinning strategy, information about how manually pinning helped boost my traffic, and the strategy I use to make over $1500 a month using Pinterest.  It will be launching on Jan 19th!

How to promote your course on Pinterest: The first thing to do to promote a course on Pinterest is to make a pinnable Pinterest image for it and link it to the sale page of your course. For example below is an example of a Pinterest pin I created for my free course "Social Media Kickstart". From the Pinterest pin, I got a TON of sign-ups for my course.

How to make money with Pinterest

After that, pin it to different group boards that you are apart on Pinterest throughout the week which will help bring traffic to the post daily. This method has worked great for me for my past course. So, if you are creating a course or if you have a course already you can totally use Pinterest to generate traffic to it.

  • Ebooks:

    You can also promote an Ebook the same way you would promote a course on Pinterest. Simply create a Pinterest pinnable image for it and link it to your sale page for the Ebook. Once you have a pinnable image for it pin it to multiple group boards throughout the week.

So, there you have it! Over 3 clever ways to make money right from Pinterest. What are some ways you make money from these platforms? Share your thoughts below. I am totally interested to find out how you use the site.

How To Make 5k With A Blog


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